We’re delighted to announce The Advocacy Project has won the contract to deliver the Healthwatch Brent service from 1 April 2021.
Why is Healthwatch important?
Healthwatch Brent is one of 152 local Healthwatch organisations running across England since 2013. Its primary aim is to improve health and social care services for local people.
Healthwatch champions the rights of people who use health and social care services, and holds services to account for how well they engage with the public. Healthwatch supports patients, service users, carers and the public to be actively involved in how services are commissioned and delivered. It makes sure people’s views and experiences are listened to, so services improve and become more responsive to what people say they need. Healthwatch’s remit covers all publicly funded health and social care services.
Brent: addressing social and economic impacts on health
Brent is a place of contrasts, home of the iconic Wembley Stadium, Wembley Arena and the spectacular Swaminarayan Hindu Temple. It is the destination for thousands of British and international visitors every year and stages major events such as the Olympic Games in 2012 and Champions League Final in 2013. Brent was the London borough of culture for 2020. Brent’s long history of ethnic and cultural diversity has created a place that is truly unique and valued by those who live and work there with a young, dynamic and growing population.
Despite these strengths, Brent is ranked amongst the top 15 per cent most-deprived areas of the country. There is a strong relationship between deprivation and health, and Brent faces a number of specific public health challenges. A third of the adult population is not physically active, and there is a higher than average diabetes prevalence in the borough. Brent has more than double the rate of TB cases compared to other London boroughs. The Covid-19 death rate in Brent is one of the highest in the UK. Addressing the social, economic and public health impacts of Covid -19 is a key priority for Brent council and the Health and Wellbeing Board over the next few years and Healthwatch Brent will be a key delivery partner.
The vision
We’re honoured to take the reins of Healthwatch Brent at this crucial time for health and social care. We’ll build on the important work that’s been done to date, while bringing new insights from communities within the borough who don’t often have their voices heard. Judith Davey, Chief Executive, says, “We’re excited to develop the service in line with our ambitious vision, to make sure all views in Brent, including the most marginalised, are at the heart of health and care, and shape the services they need.”
As well as continuing to work closely with organisations and individuals across the borough, we’ll be actively reaching out to develop new relationships. There will be opportunities to be a friend or volunteer, become a member of the grassroots steering group, strategic advisory board, network of independent experts, or join us as staff. If you know people living or working in Brent who would like to help develop Healthwatch’s vision, get in touch on