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Our Team

Image shows staff sitting at tables working together at the staff conference, April 2017

Working together at a staff conference

With a well-earned reputation for high quality advocacy, we value our committed, skilled and passionate staff.

We are proud that around 40% of our staff started as service users or volunteers, and 30% have lived experience of mental health issues and/or disability. This helps us build trust with the people who use our services. We are one of the largest employers of people with learning disabilities in the boroughs of Westminster, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, and Brent.

Sukayna Al Aaraji, Independent Mental Health Advocate, joined us in 2016. “I was impressed with The Advocacy Project and inspired by the charity’s vision and values.”

Our team has people working together in a variety of roles, including advocates specialising in different areas, user involvement coordinators, learning disability engagement workers, HR, finance and business development specialists. We meet regularly for monthly briefings and staff conferences so we can share knowledge and ideas.