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your voiceyour rightsyour choice

Adam Antonio



Adam Antonio became a trustee as he felt he could use his own experiences to give others a voice at the board table.




What’s important to you about The Advocacy Project?

“I found out about The Advocacy Project through someone I know who works in the social care field. I thought it would help me, as I am close to someone who has a mental health condition.

There’s a stigma around mental health; the doors are closed for people with disabilities. But The Advocacy Project is opening these doors by giving people a voice and showing them that there is support out there.

What do you like about being on the Board of Trustees?

“The trustee board at The Advocacy Project is diverse in terms of cultures, abilities, disabilities, experiences, ideas and outlooks. This means we have more informed conversations. No question is a silly question. Everyone’s point of view is heard and valued.”

What do you do in your spare time?

“My background is in art and design; I have a knack for putting ideas on paper then designing and bringing them to fruition. I originally studied art and interior design. I was also keen to learn how to develop properties – from the ground up – so I studied architecture too.

In my spare time I go to art and design classes. I also enjoy writing music lyrics. In the past I have been on BBC television, singing with a gospel choir as part of the Sainbury’s Choir of the Year competition. I also enjoy doing Tai Chi.”