Our safeguarding policy for adults
The detailed policy for safeguarding adults at risk.
Our safeguarding policy for children and young people
The detailed policy for safeguarding children and young people.
Our safeguarding checklist – for adults
The steps you need to follow when raising a safeguarding alert.
Our safeguarding checklist – for children and young people
The steps you need to follow when raising a safeguarding alert for children or young people.
Safeguarding information leaflet
Your responsibilities – for staff and volunteers
Information in easy read
Here’s information about safeguarding in easy read, designed to be easy to understand for people with learning disabilities.
What abuse is, where it might happen and who you can tell.
Signposting to other organisations
NSPCC booklet: Worried about a child
How you can protect children from abuse
LGA: Making safeguarding personal toolkit
How to develop an outcomes focus
Useful organisations and contacts
Guidance on handling safeguarding allegations in a charity
SCIE: safeguarding in practice
Video highlighting learnings from Steven Hoskin’s murder
SCIE: safeguarding during Covid
Guidance for those supporting adults and children