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your voiceyour rightsyour choice

User involvement

Our user involvement projects support people to speak up about the services they use.

“It is very beneficial and gives me a sense of purpose.”
User involvement participant

User involvement is making sure the voices of people are heard and they are able to actively shape and improve the services they use and influence local and national policy.

People who use services are experts on how they should be developed and delivered. They have first-hand experience, know what they need, what works well and what does not.

People should have the opportunity to be involved in every aspect of the services they use – from their individual care and treatment, to the management, planning and evaluation of the services they receive.

We offer a range of opportunities for people to have their say through our user involvement projects that work with people with learning disabilities, people using or wishing to use mental health services and older people.


Our projects

Here’s a snapshot of just some of our user involvement work.

  • My Health, My Choice
    Our project in Brent supports people with learning disabilities to access healthcare services and give feedback to help improve services.
  • Our Choice & Big Voice
    We run consultation and speaking up groups for people with learning disabilities in Westminster (Our Choice) and Kensington and Chelsea (Big Voice). Their views are fed back to senior health and social care commissioners.
  • Speak Up Speak Out
    We run speaking up groups for people with learning disabilities and a mental health need in Westminster. Their views are fed back to mental health services. We facilitate presentations, training and mystery shopping.
  • Mental Health User Involvement
    Our project in Camden helps mental health service users be heard by facilitating people to be involved in designing, setting up, monitoring and reviewing services.
  • Older People’s Voice
    We run consultations, speaking up groups and events for older people in Westminster. Their views are fed back to commissioners and service providers that plan and run services for older adults.


See easy read information explaining what user involvement is, how speaking up groups work and what partnership board reps are.

Contact us on to find out more about getting involved.